MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY – The National Park Service (NPS) released today a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a Bison Management Plan at Yellowstone National Park. The Draft EIS introduces …
Ag News StoriesLivestock NewsNews
Montana Stockgrowers Express Disappointment with USFWS Yellowstone Bison Review
by Colter BrownThe Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) provided the following statement regarding the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s announcement to conduct a status review of the potential Distinct Population Segment (DPS) for …
In recent weeks, visitors in the park have been engaging in inappropriate, dangerous, and illegal behavior with wildlife. These actions endanger people and have now resulted in the death of …
shared from Montana Stockgrowers Association and the National Park Service Bison management in and around Yellowstone National Park is a very complex and controversial issue. Many groups, agencies, tribes, and …
The Montana Farm Bureau is urging Montanans to oppose any changes to the National Park Service (NPS) Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Yellowstone National Park’s Bison Quarantine Plan. In …
Daines, Zinke Commend Extension of Yellowstone Bison Quarantine Plan Comment Period U.S. CONGRESS — Montana Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke successfully secured a two-week extension of the …
In January, the National Park Service (NPS) released an Environmental Assessment (EA) with three proposed alternatives establishing additional quarantine facilities for park bison. Alternative 1 is the 'no action' alternative; …
Montana’s livestock industry continues to express its dismay after Governor Steve Bullock announced his decision last week to allow for year-round grazing of bison on the perimeter of Yellowstone National …
The announcement from the Montana Governor's office that Yellowstone bison will now be allowed in Montana year-round caught many in the agriculture industry off guard. One question cattlemen are asking …
The new expanded geographic range for the Yellowstone National Park bison adds almost an additional 400 square miles for the bison to roam year round in Montana. According to …