The Environmental Protection Agency has a Blog???


While numerous responses to an EPA blog question the concept of tax dollars going towards the project, “Greenversations” is the official blog of the Environmental Protection Agency.  A recent post caught the attention of those in the agriculture world as the blogger, a college intern with the EPA, criticized meat production.

The American Farm Bureau Federation responded with this statement:

“The American Farm Bureau Federation is concerned with the recent blog post by an Environmental Protection Agency intern on the agency’s official blog, “Greenversations.” In the post, the intern promotes going meatless because of environmental and animal welfare concerns.

“Interns like all Americans are entitled to their own opinion on subjects being discussed in public forums. But they, like all government employees, should have an understanding that they are not just representing themselves, they are representing the particular government agency – in this case the EPA.

“While this is a position taken by an intern of the agency, EPA should control its blog space. What is written on its blog comes across as its official position toward farmers and ranchers that it regulates and shows a terrible disregard for them and the agriculture industry.”

The defense for the EPA is that there is a clear disclaimer stating that the opinions do not represent Agency policy and that they do not guaranteed accuracy.


© Northern Ag Network 2010

Haylie Shipp


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