U.S. Wheat Industry Welcomes News About Brazil


The National Association of Wheat Growers and U.S. Wheat Associates is pleased that the U.S. and Brazilian governments have been able to identify a process for negotiating a settlement in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute between our two countries.

Brazil recently won the right to impose countermeasures against U.S. trade and planned to increase U.S. wheat tariffs to 30 percent from 10 percent today as part of its response.

The Northern Ag Network’s Russell Nemetz spoke with NAWG Secretary/Treasurer Bing Von Bergen from Moccasin, Montana Wednesday about the announcement.  He told Russell that the agreement ensures that U.S. producers will remain competitive in one of the world’s largest wheat markets.



The U.S. wheat industry says the demonstrated willingness of the Brazil and U.S. governments to begin in good faith to negotiate a settlement is very encouraging. In particular we commend the efforts of Under Secretary Jim Miller, Ambassador Miriam Sapiro and Ambassador Isi Siddiqui in achieving this outcome, and they look forward to working with them and Members of Congress as discussions on this issue continue.

Source: NAWG & USW

Posted by Russell Nemetz


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