Undercover Video Hits Koch Foods and Chick-fil-A


Mercy for Animals has released a hidden-camera video to show inhumane treatment of chicken’s processed by Park Ridge Illinois based Koch Foods. Meatingplace reports the video is introduced and narrated by Sam Simon, creator of “The Simpsons,” who has established an animal rights foundation bearing his name. In the video, chickens seem to be mishandled by employees, including being kicked and thrown into crates.

The narration claims the chickens are bled out and scalded often while still conscious.

Mercy for Animals is publicizing the video by calling Koch Foods a supplier to the Chick-fil-A chain. Chick-fil-A, however, said in a statement posted on its website that Koch Foods “has not been a supplier for Chick-fil-A since April of 2013.”

The National Chicken Council told Meatingplace that an animal welfare expert reviewed the footage in this particular video and said there was “no overt animal abuse” at the plant.

Here is the video posted on their website.

Source: NAFB News

Posted by Russell Nemetz

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