U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has declared Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation and Hill County, which lies within the boundaries of both Hill and Chouteau counties, primary natural disaster areas and three Montana counties – Blaine, Chouteau and Liberty – contiguous counties due to severe storms, with excessive rain, flooding and flash flooding that occurred from May 13 to June 28, 2010.
“The Secretarial Disaster Designation signed on Aug. 11, 2010 can help producers affected by the recent flooding,” Montana FSA State Executive Director Bruce Nelson said. “The designation makes it easier for eligible producers to apply for assistance through the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program.”
SURE was one of the disaster programs created under the 2008 Farm Bill that provides financial assistance for crop production and or quality losses due to a natural disaster. SURE Program applications for 2010 crop losses will not be accepted until 2011, when the 2010 National Average Market Prices become available.
Earlier this month, a Presidential Disaster Declaration was announced for Rocky Boy’s Reservation and neighboring counties that triggered eligibility to apply for the Emergency Loan Program. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for emergency loan assistance. For more information, visit your local FSA office or www.fsa.usda.gov.
Source: USMEF
Posted by Kaci Switzer