by Jonathan Knutson
The U.S. wheat industry — impressed by an iconic National Corn Growers Association contest — is launching a national yield contest.
The National Wheat Yield Contest, created by the National Wheat Foundation, seeks to increase both quality and yields in fields nationwide. The thinking is, the contest will encourage growers to share information and to use available technology by identifying growers in each state who will compete nationally in spring wheat and winter wheat divisions.
“We've seen wheat not keep up with either corn or (soy)beans on yield increases,” says Dusty Tallman, a Brandon, Colo., farmer and chairman of the National Wheat Foundation. “Our intention is to help yields and profitability in wheat.”
His group has worked closely with corn growers to develop the new wheat contest. The National Corn Growers Association's 50-year-old National Corn Yield Contest is seen as a big factor in the long, ongoing increase in national corn yields.
As Tallman notes, the corn growers group has determined that it takes about 10 years for the yields of the annual corn contest winner to become the national corn yield.
Details of the wheat contest are being developed and could be announced in the next month or so. The winter wheat division is expected to begin this fall, with the spring wheat category starting in the spring of 2016.
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Source: Grand Forks Herald