The Montana Farm Bureau Federation is urging young agriculturalists between ages 18-35 to compete in the MFBF Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet Tuesday, November 12 during the MFBF 100th Annual Convention in Billings. For the fifth year, Montana Polaris is the sponsor of the YF&R Discussion Meet, awarding a Ranger® Side by Side UTV to the winner of the competition.
The Discussion Meet contest is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each participant. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-determined topic and is an excellent way for young people to learn more about agricultural issues. The judges are looking for the contestant that offers cooperation and communication while analysing agricultural problems and developing solutions. (See questions below.)
Last year’s Discussion Meet winner, Cali Rooney, said, “The Ranger has been very handy especially now with all the moisture we’ve had. We’ve discovered it’s great getting us around in the mud. I again want to thank the Polaris dealers for coming together and making this possible. We couldn’t have afforded to buy one and this was a great opportunity to compete and win it.”
Rooney urged other young people to participate in the competition. “I have always been passionate about ag policy but the Discussion Meet changed my perspective in a good way about conversations on ag issues. It was a great way to come together with other young people. I didn’t feel that this was a competition but a committee meeting where we developed real solutions. I loved the experience.”
Not only will the winner of the Montana Discussion Meet receive a Polaris, but an expense-paid trip to compete in the national YF&R Discussion Meet in January in Austin, TX.
Thanks to these participating Polaris dealers for supporting our Young Farmers and Ranchers: Gallatin Recreation, Bozeman; Helena Cycle, Helena; Sports City Cyclery, Great Falls; Yellowstone Polaris, Billings; Beaverhead Motors, Dillon; Riverside Marine & Cycle, Miles City; Montana Power Products, Ronan; Jesco Marine, Kalispell; Kurt’s Polaris, Missoula; Redline Sports, Inc, Butte; Lewistown Honda & Polaris, Lewistown; and Hiline Polaris, Havre. Be sure to stop by their dealerships to say thank you for supporting the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers, and check out their inventory.
For more information on the 2019 MFBF YF&R Discussion Meet visit or contact Sue Ann Streufert, 406-587-3153
Discussion Meet Questions:
- How can Farm Bureau build upon collaborative relationships such as Farm Town Strong to combat nationwide crises such as opioid dependence/addiction and mental health issues?
- Products like cell-based food products have demonstrated the food system is rapidly changing. How can future food technologies and related products be beneficially integrated into modern agricultural production without hampering the success of traditional products and the farmers and ranchers who grow them?
- The customer is always right. How do farmers and ranchers think and respond, through the lens of consumer priorities and marketing trends, to build common values and confidence in modern production methods to build consumer acceptance?
- With abundant productivity, farmers are in need of new markets, including outside traditional food and feed channels. How do we develop, invest and commercialize to innovate new uses of agricultural products and by-products to benefit all of agriculture?
- The 21st-century agricultural economy is threatened by labor shortages. Without a clear solution for accessing foreign guest workers as a component of immigration reform coming from Congress, what are some creative and legal ways for agriculture to address the labor needs of a modern production system?
Northern Ag Network – 2019