Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Will COOL Stand? WTO Decision Expected Friday


The following article is from the NAFB News Service:

We should have the World Trade Organization’s final say on the U.S. country of origin labeling rule Friday. The WTO’s highest tribunal is expected to have its decision on the U.S. government’s appeal of a dispute panel’s ruling in the COOL case. Canada and Mexico have argued the rule violates international trade agreements – specifically a WTO deal that limits the use of technical barriers to trade. The dispute panel sided largely with Canada and Mexico in its final decision – which the U.S. government appealed in March. The ruling of the Appellate Body – expected June 29th (Friday) – is the final step in the case. If the U.S. loses the case – the Obama Administration will likely get a request from the WTO to change the existing COOL rule.

According to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association – the COOL issue is costing their industry more than 100-million dollars each year. The group says it has spent more than two-million Canadian dollars to support their government’s case and they will not back down until the issue is resolved. The group is hopeful that will be soon.

Source:  NAFB News Service

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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