Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Winter Wheat 70{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} Headed, Spring Wheat 74{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} Planted


by Cheri Zagurski, DTN Managing Editor

OMAHA (DTN) — Corn planting advanced to 88{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} complete nationwide in the week ended May 25, according to USDA's latest weekly Crop Progress and Condition report, while winter wheat condition held steady.

Last week 73{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} of the nation's corn was planted. The five-year average is equal to this week's total, 88{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}. Sixty percent of the corn is emerged, compared to 34{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 64{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average.

“This report should be viewed as bearish given the impressive increase in planting progress and corn emerged,” said DTN Analyst Todd Hultman.

Eighty-one percent of Minnesota's corn is planted, compared to a 92{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Jerry Demmer of Clarks Grove, Minn., told DTN he finished corn and soybean planting May 24 and good moisture and heat have brought plants up that went into the ground May 18.

“We had about 150 acres of corn in early and then we did not roll again till May 15 and we had a real good run without any delays,” Demmer wrote in an email.

Soybeans planted advanced to 59{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} complete, compared to 33{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 56{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Emergence reached 25{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}, compared to 9{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 27{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average.

“USDA's weekly report continues to show good planting progress and should be viewed as bearish,” Hultman said. “There are also concerns that planting delays in the northern states will result in more soybean acres this summer.”

Scott Wallis farms in southern Indiana and reports, “All of our corn is up; looking average to above average. Started side dressing; beans are planted, except some low bottoms. My area is 90{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} done with corn 50{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}-60{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} done with early beans.” USDA puts Indiana at 68{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} planted in soybeans.

Sorghum planting hit 46{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}, compared to 39{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 47{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Eighty-nine percent of oats are planted, compred to 78{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 94{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Emergence is at 72{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}, 10 percentage points behind the average and heading is at 30{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}, nearly equal to average. Barley is 84{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} planted, compared to 68{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and an 82{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Barley is 57{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} emerged, compared to 37{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 55{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average.

Winter wheat is 70{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} headed compared to 57{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 69{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Winter wheat conditions held steady at 44{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} poor to very poor. “USDA's winter wheat ratings resulted in a DTN Winter Wheat Index of 26, down from 29 a year ago and far below the five-year average of 88.2,” Hultman said.

Spring wheat is 74{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} planted, compared to 49{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and an 82{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. Emergence is at 43{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}, compared to 24{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} last week and a 57{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} five-year average. “Tuesday's report should be viewed as bullish overall for wheat due to the poor crop conditions in the southern states and the delayed pace of spring wheat planting in the north-central states,” Hultman said.


© Copyright 2014 DTN/The Progressive Farmer. All rights reserved.

While the above analysis was provided by DTN, here's a closer look at the Northern Ag Network coverage area:

Montana:  Ninety percent of spring wheat was planted as of Sunday and 58{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} of the crop had emerged.  Seven percent of the winter wheat crop, which improved condition-wise, is now in the boot stage.  Sixty-eight percent of barley has emerged as well as 75{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} of sugar beets.  See full report…

Wyoming:  As of Sunday, 86{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} of spring wheat is in the ground.  Eight percent of winter wheat is in the boot stage.  Seventy-nine percent of barley has emerged as has 43{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e} of the state's sugar beet crop.  See full report…

South Dakota:  The percentage of the state's winter wheat that had jointed as of Sunday is at 28{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}.  Eighty-nine percent of the spring wheat has been planted.  A quarter of the barley has emerged.  See full report…

North Dakota:  Still behind the five-year average is North Dakota spring wheat planting, at 59{0a3336b3da8cf935de4f3eb78fe29508c4b8b5ebd27d01af2d815614325d533e}.  However, it is very near last years progress.  Seventy-eight percent of sugar beets have been planted.  Seventeen percent of barley has emerged.  See full report…

© Northern Ag Network 2014

Haylie Shipp



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