Tuesday, February 11, 2025

WY Farm Bureau Donates 5,793 Meals


The following is a press release from the Wyoming Farm Bureau:


When it comes to helping neighbors in need, you can always find ranchers and farmers doing what is needed to get the job done.  The same is true when it comes to helping those who face hunger around the state of Wyoming.  In what is called “Harvest for All”, a Wyoming Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Committee project, farmers and ranchers from around the state have provided food and funds that are equivalent to 5,793 meals for Wyoming families as well as donating 20 working man hours.

During the state annual meeting held Nov. 10-12 in Cheyenne, Wyoming Farm Bureau members participated in the annual food and fund drive to benefit the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies and local food banks.  County Farm Bureaus from across the state donated food and money to help the food banks in their work with hunger-relief programs across the state of Wyoming. 

The Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies was the recipient of $1,179 in monetary donations which is equivalent to 4,716 meals. 

The Comea Shelter in Cheyenne received 150 pounds of food equaling a total of 117 meals.  Needs, Inc. in Cheyenne received a $50 monetary donation which is equal to 200 meals.

Locally, the Uinta County Farm Bureau donated $235 and 25 pounds of food to the food banks in Uinta County which is equivalent to 960 meals.

Volunteering is also a component of the “Harvest for All” project.  While in Casper Dec. 2-3 for the WyFB YF&R Conference, 13 young farmers and ranchers volunteered at the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies.  Providing 20 working man hours, the young farmers and ranchers filled 368 “Totes of Hope” boxes that will be distributed to families in need with school aged children around Christmas. 

“Harvest for All” is a Farm Bureau project that raises food and funds to help Wyoming families facing hunger.  Shown here are the young farmers and ranchers who volunteered at the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies (WFBF) to help in their work to feed the hungry.  From left to right:  Nik Kennedy (Albany County); Sage Askin (Converse County); Brent Laughon (Natrona County); Chalsey Kortes (Carbon County); Kolter Schuebel (Park County); Beth White (Sheridan County); Chad Sears (Weston County); Heather Hamilton (Niobrara County); Jason Baldwin (Goshen County); Raenell and Josh Taylor (Crook County); Ginger with the WFBR; Holly Kennedy (Albany County); and Kerin Clark (Goshen County).

“Harvest for All” is a Farm Bureau project that raises food and funds to help Wyoming families facing hunger.  Shown here are the young farmers and ranchers who volunteered at the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies (WFBF) to help in their work to feed the hungry.  From left to right:  Nik Kennedy (Albany County); Sage Askin (Converse County); Brent Laughon (Natrona County); Chalsey Kortes (Carbon County); Kolter Schuebel (Park County); Beth White (Sheridan County); Chad Sears (Weston County); Heather Hamilton (Niobrara County); Jason Baldwin (Goshen County); Raenell and Josh Taylor (Crook County); Ginger with the WFBR; Holly Kennedy (Albany County); and Kerin Clark (Goshen County). 

According to the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies, the “Totes of Hope” program provides backpacks of food for the weekend to school children in need; the boxes provide additional food to help with the Christmas vacation.

The young farmers and ranchers rolled up their sleeves and completed the project in just an hour and a half.  The Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies staff member was overjoyed that the project was completed.

 “She didn’t expect us to get the job done in one day and thought she would have to work at it herself to complete,” Chalsey Kortes, WyFB YF&R State Chair, said.  “I was so proud of our group – we got there and got the job done!  It truly was an awesome and rewarding experience for us to work at the Food Bank.  The only thing that breaks my heart is the amount of need in our state.  But as long as there is need, I know that the Young Farmers and Ranchers will be there and ready to help!” 

According to Ginger, a staff member at the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies, the work done by the young farmers and ranchers alleviated pressure on their small staff of eight.  “What the young farmers and ranchers did in less than two hours alleviated one of our staff members spending over half of the work week filling the boxes,” Ginger said.  “It is work that has to be done.”

The WyFB Young Farmer & Rancher Committee has joined with the American Farm Bureau Federation YF&R Committee in what is called a “Harvest for All.” 

“It’s America’s first harvesters helping to feed the millions of Americans who face hunger,” Kortes said.  “The program consists of contributions of time, money and food to work together to make sure that every American can enjoy the bounty produced on our farms and ranches.” 

 “It was so exciting to donate food and funds that will provide nearly 6,000 meals to families in need across Wyoming.  Thank you Farm Bureau members for giving of yourselves in such a generous way this year,” Kortes concluded. 

Farm Bureau and Feeding America:  Creating a hunger-free America!


Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies (WFBR), a non-profit organization, works with over 260 hunger-relief programs/agencies and an additional 600 sub-programs of those agencies that provide food and meals for the sick, needy, or ill.  WFBR delivers to agencies in every county of the state.  WFBR is an affiliate location of Food Bank of the Rockies, a member of Feeding America-the Nation’s Food Bank Network.  To learn more, please visit www.foodbankoftherockies.org

Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB), is the state’s largest general agriculture organization.  To learn more, visit www.wyfb.org.  Visit the Wyoming Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers on Facebook.

Source:  Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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