Wyoming 2017 Brand Renewal Begins in October




Wyoming Livestock Board would like to remind our brand owners that the 2017 brand renewal will begin in October of this year.

If your brand number looks something like this N00000-7, you will need to renew your brands between October 30, 2016 and January 1, 2017.  The only brands we will be renewing during this renewal period will end with a dash seven (- 7) on the end of the brand number.

We have over 8,000 brands to renew this year and notices will be sent out to the last known address recorded in the brand office, so if you have moved within the past 10 years, please call and update your address for our records to make sure you get your brand renewal notice.

To update an address, please visit our web page at http://wlsb.state.wy.us in the brands section of the website.  Simply print the address change form and you can send it to us at: Wyoming Livestock Board, 1934 Wyott Dr., Cheyenne, WY  82002. Another option is to email the completed form to us at: brands@wyo.gov  we must have the changes in writing in order to scan it into the brand data base.

If you have questions concerning brands with special circumstances, please contact us by calling 307-777-7515.  Please share this information with any out of state brand owners if you know of someone who owns a Wyoming Livestock Brand in another state.

Brand renewal is a separate transaction and the price to renew each brand is $300.00.  Any changes to the legal recording of a brand are called a brand transfer and will cost $100.00 in addition to the brand renewal.

Source:  Wyoming Livestock Board

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