Wyoming Board of Agriculture Meeting, Douglas, WY


The Wyoming Board of Agriculture will meet in Douglas, WY at the Wyoming State Fairgrounds in the Ag Hall Conference Room on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 1:00 pm.

The Wyoming Board of Agriculture meeting will begin at 1:00 pm and is scheduled to adjourn at 2:30 pm. During the meeting, the Board will hear Water Quality reports, discuss a Rangeland Health Assessment Program application, discuss Conservation District resignations and appointments, hear and discuss Legislative issues for the upcoming session, and cover any other business as needed.      

There will be a chance for public comment and the public is welcome to attend.

The Board of Agriculture enforces the rules and regulations of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. Seven board members are appointed by the governor for six-year terms to represent geographical areas of the state. Board members include: Jana Ginter, District 1; Jim Rogers, District 2; Shaun Sims, District 3; Amanda Hulet, District 4; Alison Lass, District 5; Bryan Brost, District 6; and Kevin Schieffer., District 7. Youth Board Members include: Kendall Roberts, Southeast; Richard Schlenker, Northwest; John Hansen, Southwest; and Cameron Smith, Northeast.

The Wyoming State Fairgrounds is located in Douglas, WY at 400 W. Center. A full agenda with call in information for the meeting can be found at http://agriculture.wy.gov/boa/agenda.


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, special assistance or alternate formats will be made available for individuals with disabilities upon request in advance of the meeting.

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