Saturday, January 18, 2025

Wyoming Resubmits Hemp Plan to USDA


CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) has resubmitted the state plan for delegated authority to regulate the hemp industry in Wyoming to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)  on January 31, 2020.

On October 31, 2019, the USDA released an interim final rule that established the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program in accordance with the 2018 Farm Bill. This rule provided the regulatory framework for hemp at the federal level and provided states with the ability to request delegated authority to regulate hemp in their states. As part of this process, the USDA allowed states who had already submitted plans an opportunity to revise those plans to better match the framework of the rule. WDA withdrew the initial Wyoming Hemp Regulatory Program plan, reconciled it with the interim final rule, and resubmitted it to the USDA for review.

“Reconciling the plan that was submitted in April of last year to fit the regulatory framework in the interim rule was an intensive and difficult exercise due to the many challenges of regulating hemp,” said Doug Miyamoto, Director of the WDA. “Everyone involved in this process made this plan a priority in the condensed timeframe we faced and we are confident that it will be approved so we can begin our hemp program in Wyoming.”

Upon submission of the plan, the USDA has 60 days to determine if the plan is approved and if the WDA will receive delegated authority to regulate hemp in Wyoming. WDA worked closely with USDA, the Wyoming Attorney General’s office, and Governor Gordon’s office to ensure the plan followed state statutes and federal regulations with the shared goal of implementing the program prior to 2020 growing season.

“We wanted to move quickly with our plan but it was extremely important that we carefully considered this complex regulatory structure in hopes of avoiding delays to implementing a hemp program in Wyoming,” said Miyamoto. “Once our plan is approved, we are on track to have a regulatory program in place for the upcoming growing season and we are excited to give producers and processors in Wyoming another option for their business operations.”

While the plan is being reviewed by the USDA, the WDA will continue preparing for the implementation of a hemp program in Wyoming. As part of this, emergency rules are being prepared and WDA staff is finalizing various components of the regulatory program.

For more information and updates on hemp in Wyoming and to read the WDA Hemp Regulatory Program Proposal submitted to USDA, visit them here.


Wyoming Department of Agriculture

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