10th Annual Bayer Ag Issues Forum Begins, February 24


From Bayer AG Issues Team:

An astronaut, a football player, a futurist, a legislator and young consumers…scientists, innovative farmers, NGOs and marketers—our 10th annual Ag Issues Forum promises to deliver a challenging, thought-provoking and engaging look into the future of agriculture and food.

We are delighted that you have joined us for, “Feeding Imagination Today, Nourishing Tomorrow.” Each session is structured to deliver diverse thought and expertise across the food system, from the field to the dinner plate. More importantly, we aim to take a hard look at how we might approach challenges ranging from society’s shifting expectations to our growing population, climate shifts and market fluctuations. We will take a hard look at how we can continue to strive for and deliver innovative solutions to the farm to support growers in producing safe, affordable and nutritious food for years to come.

Led by former CNN investigative reporter, Frank Sesno, we’ll engage in dialogue about the overarching questions facing us all: How will we efficiently and responsibly nourish our growing global population, and what do our roles look like in that future? How can we inspire and challenge new ideas with those at the dinner table but not directly on the farm? We hope that this event expands your knowledge, encourages you to think from other points of view and provides an understanding of critical issues impacting agriculture.

SOURCE: Bayer AG Issues Communication Team.

Watch the Bayer Ag Issues Forum Live! Click Here.

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