Thursday, January 16, 2025

2016 Montana Range Forum, Billings MT


The Rangeland Resources Executive Committee (RREC) and the Stillwater Conservation District would like to personally invite you to attend the 2016 Montana Range Forum, May 4th & 5th at the Big Horn Resort in Billings, MT. 


 For more information, contact Stacey Barta at (406) 444-6619 email, or Tanya Lester at 406-322-5359 ext. 101 email .    

2016 Montana Range Forum

May 4th & 5th
Big Horn Resort & Convention Center
Billings, MT

Approximately 70{2fba0047518ad2e639da733ea78e24abf77cec06f485a26b152e17f2a77aa67a} of Montana is rangeland, what happens on Montana’s rangelands affects everyone. This event will bring together private and public decision makers and provide an open forum to discuss rangelands in Montana.

Wednesday, May 4th

12:30 Registration

1:00 Welcome and Setting the Stage –
Les Gilman- Rangelands Resource Executive Committee Chair
Montana Sage Grouse Stewardship Program- TBD
Montana Rangelands Partnership (MRP)-Dr. Rachel Frost,
Missouri River Conservation Districts Council Coordinator
MRP Range Technicians introduction
Monitoring for Success Model-Dr. Jeff Mosley
Montana State University Extension Range Management Specialist

3:30 Break

3:45 Open discussion:

5:00 No host social hour At Big Horn Resort

Thursday, May 5th
7:30 Registration

8:30 Welcome address

9:00 Wyoming Range Health Assessment Program and Wyoming Coordinated Resource Program -Justin Caudill-Wyoming Dept. Of Agriculture

9:45 Break

10:00 SDGC Program- Judge Jessop: Project Coordinator South Dakota Grasslands Coalition

10:45 Lessons on the Range-Gretchen Hyde: Idaho Rangelands Resource Commission Executive Director

11:30 Lunch provided

1:00 Afternoon roundtable discussion on Montana Rangelands directed by RREC.
Roundtable discussion to include brief overview of participants range programs, monitoring methods, and policy followed by open dialogue as to common ground and ideas for moving forward for the betterment of Montana rangelands.

$25 Registration RSVP by April 27th

406-322-5359 ext. 101 or email

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