Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Argentina Restricts Beef Exports


The nation is restricting beef exports for 15 days in an effort to control domestic prices.

The following article is from the NAFB News Service:

Argentina has placed restrictions on beef exports for 15 days in hopes to stem the rise of prices on the countries domestic market.  The Cattle Site reports the decision sparked criticism by business leaders in the sector with some voices saying the strategy will have “no positive effects.” The Argentine government claims beef prices have climbed 54 percent since the beginning of the year and, over the past two weeks cattle prices have increased 10-15 percent. 

The Head of the Argentine Beef Trade Chamber Miguel Schiariti criticized the government's decision and said that the rise in cattle prices follows a restriction in the supply due to roads' “bad conditions,” according to Meatingplace.  Schiariti stated “This is no way to fix the situation.”  Further, he states it is the repeat of the policies that lead Argentina to lose 10 million cattle head, to having 135 slaughterhouses closed and losing 16,000 jobs.


Source: NAFB News Service

Posted by Haylie Shipp


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