NRCS, MALT Agree to Work Together for Conservation Easements


BOZEMAN, Mont., June 2, 2016 – The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Montana Association of Land Trusts (MALT) entered into a memorandum of understanding to create a shared position to support Montana land trusts and other easement-holding entities with technical services, program applications and project implementation of NRCS’s Agricultural Land Easements program.

The MOU recognizes the shared mutual interest in the restoration and conservation of important soils, sage-grouse habitat and other associated habitats on private and tribal agricultural lands in Montana. This pooling of resources will result in conservation priorities being addressed in a more efficient and effective manner, as opposed to each entity acting independently. By working together, the Agricultural Land Easements program will be delivered more efficiently to agricultural landowners, conserving Montana’s important soils and critical wildlife habitat.



Source;  Montana NRCS



Photo:  Left to right: Jerry Shows, NRCS Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships; Erik Suffridge, NRCS Assistant State Conservationist for Programs; Lisa Coverdale, NRCS State Conservationist, and Glenn Marx, MALT Executive Director.

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