
Augie Aga Honored with Prestigious NAFB Dix Harper Award

by Courtney Kibblewhite

Augie Aga Prepares to Enter Retirement with Accolades from the Farm Broadcasting Industry

[Kansas City, MO] – The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) is proud to announce that Augie Aga, National Sales Director for the Northern Ag Network, has been named the recipient of the 2024 Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award. The award honors Allied Industry Council or Management & Sales Council members who demonstrate exemplary service and dedication to NAFB and the agricultural broadcasting industry.

Steve “Augie” Aga’s career spans more than 40 years in radio, including a decade as Director of Sales for Northern Ag Network, where his passion for agriculture blossomed. He’s renowned for his willingness to learn—jokingly admitting he didn’t know “a herbicide from a pesticide” when he started—and his systematic approach to fostering relationships and mentoring the next generation of media professionals.

Northern Ag Network President, Taylor Brown says, “You have to admire somebody like Augie who reinvents himself in the last 12 years of his career and achieves this level of national recognition in agricultural marketing.” Augie retires from his career in broadcasting this year.

About Augie Aga

Augie Aga grew up in Minnesota and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from the University of Minnesota–Duluth. He began his career in Montana in 1984, initially as a ski bum, before moving into the world of radio advertising sales at KBLG-AM and KRKX-FM. Over the years, he has held nearly every position in the sales department, from Account Executive to General Manager.

In 2013, Augie joined the Northern Broadcasting System, focusing on national sales for the Northern Ag Network. Northern Ag Network Vice President Courtney Kibblewhite says, “My Dad hired Augie just about the time I came back to our family business. I have learned so much from Augie and he has blessed all of our team with his generous spirit, commitment to lifelong learning, and dedication to helping others succeed.”

Augie retires this month to Red Lodge, Montana where he’s an avid outdoorsman, skier, and fly-fisherman, maintaining an incredible streak of skiing at least once a month for the past 27 years.

About Northern Ag Network

Started in 1975, Northern Ag Network has served farmers and ranchers across Montana, Wyoming and the Western Dakotas with agricultural content. Northern Ag includes over 60 radio station affiliates and 28,000 social media followers.

About NAFB
The National Association of Farm Broadcasting is dedicated to serving the agricultural broadcasting industry by providing professional development, fostering industry relationships, and promoting the vital role of farm broadcasting in connecting rural communities.

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