Farm Futures magazine reports:
The ag banking sector is a competitive space with a range of top players vying for your business.
Recently the American Bankers Association released two lists – the first is the 100 Largest Farm Banks ranked by dollar volume, which was compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and includes figures through the third quarter of 2013. You'll find the No. 5 company on this first list interesting:
The five largest out of the hot 100 include:
1 – Wells Fargo
2 – Rabobank
3 – Bank of the West
4 – Bank of America
5 – John Deere Financial
You can check out a complete list – here
In Montana, 4 banks made the top 100 Largest Farm Banks.
1. Stockman Bank of Miles City comes out on top for total dollars of farm loans for banks in Montana. They actually ranked 20th nationwide with $701,949,000 in Total Farm Loans based on 2015 third quarter data.
Three other banks who made the top 100 list include:
2. Glacier Bank, Kalispell
3. First Interstate Bank, Billings,
4. Independence Bank, Havre
1 – Nebraska State Bank, Oshkosh, Neb.
2 – Grant County State Bank, Carson, S.D.
3 – State Bank of Bellingham, Bellingham, Minn.
4 – Campbell County Bank, Herreid, S.D.
5 – Strausburg State Bank, Strausburg, N.D.
You can check out the complete list – here.
Those top five banks ranked as high as 96.57{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} farm loans (for No. 1), which is a significant piece of business tied to one industry, and shows the level of involvement some banks have in the farm community.
Interestingly the largest banks – in dollar volume – have significantly different loan concentrations.
Wells Fargo, for example, has just 1{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} of loans in its portfolio focused on agriculture. Meanwhile, John Deere Financial has 78{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} of its loans listed as farm focused.
In Montana, 4 banks made the list for Top 100 Farm Lenders Ranked by Concentration, which looked at loans tied to farmland and farm business loans.
Tie for 1 Both Garfield County Bank of Jordan and First State Bank of Malta came in with with 82{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} of their bank loans listed as farm focused.
Montana State Bank in Plentywood ranked 62 nationally with 79{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} of loans farm focused
And just making the list was 1st Bank of Broadus with 76{257ecae47c7fec349321aca28547072fa2160c1991a573be7695613338f0f130} of loans farm focused.
Source: AgriMarketing, FarmFutures