NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Mr. Ben Meyer was one of four recognized as a Teach Ag Champion by the National Teach Ag Campaign on Thursday, November 20 at the National Association of Agricultural Educators convention in Nashville, Tenn. The Teach Ag Champion award highlights individuals or groups who have displayed tremendous dedication and commitment to spreading the Teach Ag message, and who are working hard to ensure a quality supply of agriculture teachers across the United States.
[EasyDNNGallery|692|Width|300|Height|300|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Meyer is a former Montana and North Dakota agriculture teacher and Idaho state agricultural education supervisor, and is currently a Local Program Success specialist for the National FFA Organization. He serves on the National Teach Ag Campaign advisory board, assists states with the implementation of effective agriculture teacher recruitment and retention practices, and helps secure data related to agriculture teacher supply and demand and promising recruitment and retention programs implemented at the state level.
“Ben is a true friend to the National Teach Ag Campaign,” said Ellen Thompson, National Teach Ag Campaign coordinator. “His passion is infectious and his many efforts help address the nationwide agriculture teacher shortage.” To recognize his contribution to the profession, Meyer received a commemorative plaque, and a donation to the Idaho Make-A-Wish Foundation was made on his behalf.
The National Teach Ag Campaign is an initiative of the National Council for Agricultural Education, led by the National Association of Agricultural Educators. It is funded by the CHS Foundation, DuPont Pioneer and Growth Energy as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The campaign raises awareness of the need to recruit and retain quality and diverse agriculture teachers, encourages others to consider a career teaching agriculture and celebrates the positive contributions that agriculture teachers make in their schools and communities.
Source: National Teach Ag Campaign
Posted by Jami Howell