Saturday, February 15, 2025

Big Horn Basin Private Pesticide Applicator Training, Greybull WY



Private pesticide applicator training is being offered in the Big Horn Basin in January and February by the University of Wyoming Extension and weed and pest management offices.

Two Worker Protection Standard information sessions in Greybull and Powell are also being offered in March.

There is no fee for the training, and participants can attend any training that fits their schedules, said Jeremiah Vardiman, extension educator based in Park County.   

“Any landowner who anticipates applying restricted use pesticides must acquire a private pesticide application license through this training or exam through the extension office prior to purchasing and using the pesticides,” he said.  

Integrated pest management, pesticide label, pesticide safety, pesticide exposure, calibration and worker protection standards are among topics covered.

            Dates, locations and times are:

·        Wednesday, Jan. 25 – Powell, 8 a.m.-noon, Park County Fairgrounds Bicentennial Hall.

·        Friday, Jan. 27 – Lovell, 8 a.m.-noon, Lovell Annex.

·        Monday, Feb. 6 – Cody, 1-5 p.m., Grizzly Room Park County Library.

·        Monday, Feb. 13 – Greybull, 1-5 p.m., Big Horn County Weed and Pest Building.

·        Wednesday, Feb. 15 – Worland, 1-5 p.m., Worland Community Center.

Two Worker Protection Standard sessions in Greybull and Powell Monday, March 21, are meant to help agriculture owners and operators comply with EPA standards. Compliance questions from agriculture owners and operators will be addressed. 

“There is no formal presentation during these sessions, so stop by at the location and times most convenient for you,” Vardiman said.

The Greybull session is 9-11 a.m. in the Big Horn County Weed and Pest Building,  and in Powell 3-5 p.m. at the Park County Fairgrounds New Exhibit Hall.

UW Extension and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture are offering the sessions.

Contact the local extension offices in Big Horn County at 307-765-2868 or in Park County at 307-754-8836 for more information.

Source:  University of Wyoming Extension

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