High Plains Organic Farming Conference, Cheyenne WY



Registration is now open for the fourth annual High Plains Organic Farming Conference in Cheyenne.

Sessions are Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 21-22, at Laramie County Community College, said Jay Norton, University of Wyoming Extension soils specialist.

The organic certification workshop is Tuesday. A series of speakers will discuss National Organic Program (NOP) regulations, electronic tools for organic farmers and financial and technical assistance.

A range of topics is Wednesday. Selected growers, researchers and NOP experts will provide information about organic livestock, crop and forage production, said Erin Rooney, UW soil science graduate student. Participants will also explore creating an organic association between states. 

There is a fee to register, and lunch is provided. To register and for more information, go to http://bit.ly/2017organic, or contact Rooney at (970) 217-3362 or erooney1@uwyo.edu. Registration can also be paid at the door, but seating is limited to 100.

Source:  University of Wyoming Extension

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