Dept of Livestock Video Minutes of April 23rd Meeting Available On-Line
In an effort to increase awareness and transparency for the Montana Board of Livestock, the 64th Legislature passed HB439, which requires that B.O.L. to audio and video record all board meetings, make the audio or video recording available online in real time when possible, and also make meeting recordings publicly available on the board's website.
As a result, the audio and video recording of the April 23rd Board of Livestock meeting is now available at the following links:
Audio Only:
The April 23 Meeting included action on the following items:
Much-Improved Budget Outlook (3 minutes into video)
Most of the four-hour meeting was devoted to analysis of Department budget status, including a review of each individual division compared to the monthly budget year-to-date, and the projection for the upcoming June 30, 2015 Fiscal Year End.
The recent budget adjustments appear to be working, as the Department now expects that it will achieve their budget targets by June 30, and will meet their deferred revenue requirements.
Employee Furloughs to be Lifted (3hrs 47 minutes into video)
With a brighter financial outlook, the Board voted to lift the Employee furlough requirements effective May 1st. This is very good news for Department of Livestock employees who have averaged 8 days of furlough through this period of budget austerity. The Board expressed its gratitude to department staff who have been impacted through this challenging time.
Industry Long-Range Planning Committee formed (3 hrs 50 minutes into video)
A special Long-Range Planning Committee comprised of industry leaders from various ag organizations has been tasked with reviewing certain aspects of the DOL and providing industry input and recommendations for helping the department move forward. John Youngberg reported that this new committee plans to meet in the first two weeks of May to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair, and determine committee priorities and a timeline for reporting to the BOL.
Committee Members include:
Bob Hanson Montana Bureau Federation
Gene Curry Montana Stockgrowers Association
Tim Gill Montana Livestock Ag Credit
Greg Wichman Montana WoolGrowers Association
Dean Peterson Montana Farmers Union
Cal Erb Montana Livestock Auction Markets
Jeanne Rankin Montana Veterinary Medical Association
Secretary: Chelcie Cremer
Improving Department IT capability (3 hrs 58 minutes into video)
The Board of Livestock moved to begin to advertise for a new IT Staff Member in a position that would be filled in July. Additionally, the Board has begun a process to review Department IT Hardware, Software, interfaces, IT Contracts, Training, and Personnel needs going forward, for reach of the IT systems that the Department operates.
Comments from Members of the Public (3 hrs 54 minutes into video)
Butch Gillespie – Kevin (Maries River Livestock Association)
Gene Curry – Valier (Montana Stockgrowers Association)
Tim Gill – Helena (Montana Livestock Ag Credit)
The next meeting of the Montana Board of Livestock is scheduled to be held in Helena on Monday and Tuesday, May 18 and 19.
(c) Northern Ag Network 2015