Brucellosis in Wyoming State Meetings, Sheridan WY


Brucellosis in Wyoming topic of state meetings

Meetings to update cattle producers on brucellosis are in Cody Monday, July 18, Pinedale July 19, Sheridan Monday, July 25, and Greybull July 26.

“The Current Status of Brucellosis in Wyoming” begins with dinner at 6 p.m. The event is hosted by the University of Wyoming Extension and the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory and follows the same agenda of short informational sessions and public discussion at each site, said Barton Stam, UW Extension educator and event moderator.

University of Georgia DVM candidate Chrissy Casey will present an overview of the disease, and Wyoming State Veterinarian Jim Logan will give a rundown on vaccination, quarantine and regulations.

University of Wyoming veterinary epidemiologist Brant Schumaker and University of Wyoming Ph.D. candidate Noah Hull will give perspectives on diagnosis. Regional Wyoming Game and Fish officers will discuss the management and monitoring of elk herds throughout the state.

Producers from Sublette and Park counties will recount effects of quarantines, and associate professor Dannele Peck of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming will give an agricultural economist’s perspective of the cost of quarantining. The event concludes with open discussion.

The schedule is as follows:

July 18 – Cody, Park County Courthouse, EOC Room.

July 19 – Pinedale, Sublette County Library, Lovatt Room.

July 25 – Sheridan, Watt Agricultural Building, room 131.

July 26 – Greybull, Big Horn County Weed and Pest/UW Extension office.

For more information, contact Stam at 307-864-3421 or

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