Organic Authority reports:
Fifty-six percent of Sonoma County, Calif., voters voted in favor of a ballot measure banning the growth of genetically modified crops. Sonoma is the sixth county to pass such a ballot measure, joining neighboring counties including Marin, Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity, thus creating the largest area where GMO crops cannot be grown in the U.S.
This new GMO-free zone measures a total of 13,734 square miles.
The ballot initiative, called the Sonoma County Transgenic Contamination Ordinance, but more often referred to as Measure M, bans all GMO crops and seeds from being grown or used in unincorporated areas of the county.
Farmers who are now growing GMOs or who have already purchased GMO seeds for next season will be allowed to continue growing this season as a grace period before the ban is put into place.
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Additional Information as reported earlier by Northern Ag:
Boulder County in Colorado just recently voted to ban GMO crops on all county owned land.
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