Christian Mackay Resigns from the Board of Livestock


HELENA – The Board of Livestock today announced the resignation of Christian Mackay as Executive Officer. Mr. Mackay has served in the position for over eight years, with his most notable accomplishment being his work to change federal brucellosis regulations which allowed for establishing the state’s designated brucellosis surveillance area while protecting Montana’s brucellosis class free status. 


Northern Ag's Lane Nordlund shares what he's learned about the recent events in Helena.  


[EasyDNNGallery|2695|Width|300|Height|300|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]Mackay said he is leaving to pursue other interests and wishes the board and staff the best of luck in the coming months and years ahead. The Board of Livestock accepted his resignation. 


The position of executive officer serves at the pleasure of the board and acts on their behalf when not in session.


UPDATE:  Northern Ag Network has also learned the John Grainger, Brands Division administrator, has also handed in his resignation today as well. 



Source;  Montana Board of Livestock

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