August 26th
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
McCone County Fairgrounds
HWY 201, Circle, MT
Join us for an update from the CMR Sage Grouse Committee as they present their final work plan to the full CMR CWG. Also, Laurie Hanauska-Brown from Montana FWP will provide an overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Bison Conservation and Management in Montana. FWP will NOT be taking formal comments at this meeting, rather is will provide an opportunity for a public discussion on the EIS amongst a variety of stakeholders. The discussion will be centered on the following questions:
- From your perspective, does the EIS address all the concerns that are important to you?
- If your concerns were not addressed, what specific recommendations would you offer to improve the EIS to better include the issues important to you?
- Does the CMR Community working group want to form a bison sub-committee for the purpose of developing a community consensus response addressing the future of Bison in the region? And, if so, do we need to invite the tribes that are now managing Bison in the area?
Full Agenda for August 26th Meeting – Circle, MT
Supplemental readings:
We made further improvements to the goals drafted from the discussion at the Jordan meeting in December of 2014. Please see the newly revised version below and provide input to Rachel Frost.
Third Draft of Goals April Meeting – Winnett 2015
Previous meeting minutes: CMR Working Group Minutes 06 11 2015 – Malta, MT