Powell workshop offers producers dry bean direct harvest information
A workshop to help producers decide whether direct harvesting dry beans is an option is Friday, Aug. 21, in Powell.
Sessions are 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Powell Research and Extension Center. Lunch is provided.
Skipping undercutting and windrowing of dry beans by direct harvest is growing in interest, said Jay Norton, University of Wyoming Extension soil fertility specialist.
Direct harvesting fits well with conservation tillage to minimize soil disturbance and enhance soil health, but losses from low-growing plants may be unacceptable.
“Advances in combine header technology, along with taller varieties and altered agronomic and soil management practices, may reduce these losses to acceptable levels,” said Norton.
Presenters include John Smith, professor and retired machinery systems engineer with the University of Nebraska, and John Thomas, a UNL extension educator in Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Both have extensive experience with direct bean harvest in the Nebraska Panhandle, said Norton.
“They will talk about how to make it work and how to decide if it’s a good fit for your operation,” he said.
Flex headers for direct harvest will be displayed.
Norton will discuss direct harvesting in a conservation tillage soil health program, and Gustavo Sbatella, extension irrigated crop and weed specialist, will offer weed management considerations for Wyoming direct harvest systems.
RSVPs are requested by Friday, Aug. 14. Contact Norton at 307-766-5082 or at jnorton4@uwyo.edu.