Nearly 8,000 corn, sorghum, soybean and wheat growers attended the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ this year.
The dip in commodity prices here of late certainly were certainly one of the biggest issues talked about in the convention hallways but to be honest, most of the attendees were just happy to escape their operations (many of which are locked in winter weather) and enjoy the warm weather the “Valley of the Sun” had to offer for this year’s convention.
Other big issues of importance for the coming year-especially for wheat growers-include several pending trade issues, making sure Congress doesn’t reduce the budget for the federal crop insurance program and keeping the Monarch butterfly off of the endangered species list.
A special highlight worth noting, Outlook, MT farmer Gordon Stoner was moved up the officer chairs during Commodity Classic and is now the Vice-President of the National Association of Wheat Growers. It should make growers in the Northern Plains and Rocky Mountain West feel good that one of our own is on the National Association of Wheat Growers’ Leadership Team. Gordon is a past Montana Grain Growers Association President and is doing a great job as a NAWG officer.
With another growing season just around the corner, the U.S. corn, sorghum, soybean and wheat industries are well poised to feed both a growing domestic and world population with the safest and most abundant grain supply this planet has ever seen.