Greetings fellow cattlemen and women. I would like to welcome you, on behalf of my family and crew, and thank you for showing interest in our program. Another year of outstanding cattle prices have lifted spirits and induced enthusiasm in the cattle community and agriculture industry at large. Times are good, and the Hereford industry is set to make a big impact on hers throughout the country and across the globe.
We are very excited about, and pleased with the set of bulls we have to offer you this year. Our programs was founded over 60 years ago and built upon the belief that by maintaining a strong performance line-breeding program we could improve the uniformity and predictability of our cattle. Our intent was to provide a superior product to our customers and build a program they could turn to for outstanding genetics. In order to acheive such results, we found it necessary to abide by a strict culling program. Just as we did then, we continue to cull our cattle rigorously and select for traits that keep our customers satisfied. We place a hige emphasis on maternal traits and believe our cows are some of the best in the breed. Udder quality, milkability, and stayability are extremely important in our operations, as are calving ease, performance and carcass traits. Our cattle may not be perfect, but each year we strive to make them better and more suited to fulfill our customer's needs. Thank you, again, for turning to us for your breeding stock.
DVDs of sale cattle are available upon request or can be viewed on our website. The auction will be broadcast by Superior Productions (aired on Rural TV channel 232 on Dish Network) and streamed over the web by LiveAuction.TV.
Cattle will be on display at our ranch Match 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. Please drop by anytime. Coffee and donuts will be served sale day morning with a lunch following at 12:00 PM MST. Please join us for dinner at the Willow Creek Cafe following the sale from 5-9 PM.
Thank you for your continued interest and trust in our program. We look forward to seeing you in March.