Eastern Montana Pest Management Tour, Miles City and Baker MT


BOZEMAN — Montana State University Extension pesticide education and integrated pest management programs are offering a pest management tour across eastern Montana Oct. 3-7 for private pesticide applicator certification credits.

The tour targets counties in Montana that are in the final year of the private applicator recertification cycle, including Valley, Daniels, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Richland, McCone, Custer, Fallon, Garfield and Rosebud counties.

The program will feature presentations from MSU Extension specialists who will highlight research and management in calibration techniques, preventing pesticide drift, preventing herbicide carry-over, managing cropland insects, management of ground squirrels and prairie dogs, managing Narrowleaf Hawksbeard, managing pulse and wheat diseases, water quality and pesticide performance and forage pest management. Presentations will vary by location.

Speakers include Fabian Menalled, MSU cropland weed specialist; Jane Mangold, MSU rangeland weed specialist; Emily Glunk, MSU forage specialist; Kevin Wanner, MSU crop insect specialist; Mary Burrows, MSU plant pathologist; Stephen Vantassel, Montana Department of Agriculture vertebrate pest specialist; and Cecil Tharp, MSU pesticide education specialist.

Private applicators can attend a morning-only or afternoon-only session for three credits, or both for six credits. Private applicators who work in the 17-county region of the tour are required to obtain six private applicator recertification credits by Jan. 1 to requalify for the next certification cycle. MSU Extension coordinates the certification and training of the private applicator certification program.

“This may be a last-chance opportunity for private applicators in eastern Montana to obtain credits before the end of their certification cycle,” Tharp said.  

The 2016 tour will cover 10 locations in five days. The schedule is as follows:

Oct. 3

Glasgow: Cottonwood Inn. Pre-register by Sept. 26 with Valley County Extension,

Shelley Mills at (406) 228-6241. There is a $15 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Scobey: Daniels County Extension / Ambulance Training Room, 106 Railroad Ave East; Pre-register by Sept. 26 with Daniels County Extension, Bobbie Roos at (406) 487-2861. There is a $15 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Oct. 4

Plentywood: Sheridan County Civic Center. Pre-register by Sept. 27 with Sheridan County Extension, Colleen Buck (406) 765-3406. There is a $15 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:35 a.m.

Culbertson: Froid Community Center. Pre-register by Sept. 27 with Roosevelt County Extension, Jeff Chilson at (406) 787-5312. There is a $15 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:35 a.m.

Oct. 5

Sidney: Extension Office, 1499 N. Central Ave. Pre-register by Sept. 28 with Richland County Extension Office, Tim Fine (406) 433-1206. There is a $15 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Circle: McCone County Fairgrounds. Pre-register by Sept. 28 with McCone County Extension Office, Ken Nelson (406) 485-2605. There is a $10 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Oct. 6

Miles City: Miles Community College, Room 106. Pre-register by Sept. 29 with Custer County Extension Office, Mike Schuldt (406) 852-3462. There is a $10 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Baker: Thee Garage. Pre-register by Sept. 29 with Fallon County Extension Office, Elin Kittelman (406) 778-7110. There is no fee. Lunch on your own. Program starts at 8:15 a.m.

Oct. 7

Jordan: Contact Garfield County Extension Office for exact location. Pre-register by Sept. 30 by contacting Garfield County Extension Office, Eric Miller (406) 346-7320. There is a $10 fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8 a.m.

Forsyth: Haugo Center (Riverview Villa Retirement Center; 91 Rosebud Street), Pre-register by Sept. 30 with Rosebud County Extension Office, Melissa Ashley (406) 346-7320. There is no fee. Lunch will be provided. Program starts at 8 a.m.

For more information or a detailed agenda of the tour and speakers, visit www.pesticides.montana.edu and select 2016 Pest Management Tour, or contact your local Extension agent.

Pesticide applicator credits can be viewed online at https://app.mt.gov/pest/index

Source:  MSU News Service

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