406 Agronomy Summit
Don’t miss the 406 agronomy summit, two days of ag education, networking, agronomy, and tech information from January 11th thru the 12th in-person in Havre!
With keynote speakers like Gabe Brown, the godfather of regenerative ag, “Wheat Pete” discussing cereal crop strategies for 2022, and Avilo Oliva from Exxon Mobil on how Montana Camelina fits into Exxon Mobils Biofuels future.
Learn about up-and-coming Montana oilseed crops. You’ll hear from Ben Brimlow with I N D Hemp on fiber and grain hemp, Curt Droogsma with CroPlan on Winter Canola, and Barney Bernstein with Sustainable Oils presenting on camelina.
You’ll also have a chance to learn more about Raven Industries autonomous farm equipment, Bourgault industries will showcase their seed-placed crop nutrient trails and upstream ag insights will dive into what’s driving ag-tech investment, adoption and apprehension.
The 406 agronomy summit in Havre on January 11th and 12th, pre-register online here.