BQA & Livestock Handling Clinic – Conrad, MT

As beef prices continue to drop and the cost of producing that beef keeps climbing, ranchers have had to get creative and go the extra mile to get a premium for their calves in the fall. Marias River Livestock Association has worked for several years to help its members not only survive the low prices, but thrive in spite of them.

To continue its efforts to help local ranchers, Marias River Livestock Association will host a Beef Quality Assurance workshop with Bill Pelton at the Joe Russell Arena in Conrad Saturday, June 22.

According to the official Beef Quality Assurance website (, “Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. BQA guidelines are designed to make certain all beef consumers can take pride in what they purchase – and can trust and have confidence in the entire beef industry.”

Registration for the workshop will begin at 9 a.m., followed by “classroom” work until noon.

Lunch will be served by the North Country CattleWomen at noon, and Bill will be available to answer questions.
After lunch, a live demonstration will be conducted with cattle from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The workshop will be limited to 40 participants, so RSVP to Liberty County Director Casey Buffington at 406-390-1888 by Wednesday, June 19 if you plan to attend.

Everyone that completes the workshop will be Beef Quality Assurance certified, which will help bring a premium when you sell your cattle in the fall.

For more information about Marias River Livestock Association, visit our website at

The event is finished.


Jun 22 2019


9:00 am - 3:00 pm




Unnamed Venue


Unnamed Organizer
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