Expect two more years of gridlock in Washington, D.C. While many have been hoping that this past November’s elections were a fix to what has been deemed an ineffective Congress, Chandler Goule of the National Farmers Union says it’s not starting out that way.
[EasyDNNGallery|1024|Width|350|Height|350|position|left|resizecrop|False|lightbox|False|title|False|description|False|redirection|False|LinkText||]“Congress is broken.” No matter what political analyst you’ve listened to lately, you’ve probably heard that statement escape their lips.
The question today is, did the November elections take a step towards fixing it?
Goule says he doesn’t think so. In a Northern Ag Network interview this week, he told Haylie Shipp that the year simply started out wrong.
“I’m somewhat disappointed to see that the first bills they’re going to roll out,” says Goule, “are going to be bills that the President has already said he’s going to veto.” Goule’s example on this accord was the Keystone XL Pipeline. Just hours after our interview, the Senate approved the pipeline project. With the House previously doing so, that puts the bill before President Obama where he is expected to deliver his veto.
Goule told Northern Ag, “Why are we starting on a bill that we already know is going to be dead-on-arrival when it gets to the White House instead of trying to work something out so that we can move ahead with the new majority and govern the nation.”
Regardless of what political party you’re involved with, inaction is not the solution. So what is? Goule encourages people to reiterate to their members of Congress that something needs to be done. He also expressed his worry that, because of the turnover in this past election, many of the members of the ag-oriented committees are brand new.
© Haylie Shipp 2015