Saturday, February 15, 2025

Good in a Committee Meeting Atmosphere?


The Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation (WyFB) Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Committee invites all undergraduate students (attending the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming Junior College) majoring (or with a minor) in agriculture to talk their way towards $300 cash.  On Nov. 16, 2010 the YF&R Committee will host the seventh annual WyFB YF&R Collegiate Discussion Meet.  The competition will be at the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture in Laramie.


“This competition affords an opportunity for college students to apply what they are learning to current agriculture issues,” Chalsey Kortes, Wyoming Farm Bureau YF&R State Chair, stated.  “It is great preparation for anyone majoring in agriculture.  Whether you are going into an agriculture business or back to the ranch, becoming involved with issues that affect the agriculture industry and developing as a spokesperson for the industry is an essential tool for your resume.”


This competition is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each committee member.  Contestants are given pre-determined topics which will be discussed.  The five topics this year are:

  1. Farm Bureau is the leading voice for agriculture but not the only voice. How do we encourage other agricultural groups to work together for the common good of our industry?
  2. Government has always been involved in agriculture. Is the current level of government involvement a net hindrance or a net benefit to agriculture?
  3. How will food movements such as “foodie” and “locavore,” which are focused primarily in urban centers, influence national agricultural production and federal programs?
  4. Has technology become essential for American farmers? Should Farm Bureau influence and encourage all generations of farmers, ranchers and agriculturalists to embrace technological opportunities?
  5. Given recent challenges, such as volatile food prices and limited world food supplies, do American consumers adequately appreciate the importance of US-produced food?  Will American consumers consider American agriculture important to our security in the future?

Contestants will also give opening and closing statements and are judged on their knowledge, ability to participate in a committee meeting and listen to others and air all points of view.


All contestants will participate in a preliminary round of competition with the top four advancing to the final round.  Contestant orientation begins at 5 p.m. on Nov. 16.   The winner of the Collegiate Discussion Meet will receive a $300 cash prize.  The winner will also receive travel reimbursement to compete for college scholarships in the American Farm Bureau Federation YF&R Collegiate Discussion Meet Feb. 5-7, 2011 in Orlando, Fla. 

The runner-up will receive a $150 cash prize.  The third and fourth place finalists will receive a $25 cash prize.

Visit for an application or call 866.272.2197, 307.532.2002 or e-mail  Applications are due Nov. 9, 2010.

“The competition is a great opportunity for college students to put their knowledge into a competition and also show them the opportunities available through Wyoming Farm Bureau’s YF&R program,” Kortes concluded.


Source:  WY Farm Bureau Federation

Posted by Haylie Shipp



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