Date: Aug 27, 2015
Mabel Schwend
Location: Fromberg, Montana
Healthy Soil Tour. Observe techniques of no-till drilling and cover crops in sugar beet and corn fields.
August 27, 2015, 9:00 a.m. Schlemmer Farms, Hwy. 310, Fromberg, MT. Meet at the Leslie Beet Dump at 9:00 a.m. Speakers: Greg Schlemmer, producer, and Kate Vogel, agronomist, North 40 Ag.
After the tour, gather at the Fromberg United Methodist Church basement. Luncheon speaker: Susan Tallman, NRCS agronomist.
Hosted by the Carbon Conservation District and Joliet NRCS office.
RSVP to Carbon Conservation District by August 21, 2015, 406-962-3641, mabel.schwend@mt.nacdnet.net.