The following is a press release from the Wyoming Livestock Board:
The Wyoming Livestock Board recently passed a board order requiring approved individual identification on all sexually intact cattle regardless of age that leave the Brucellosis Designated Surveillance Area (DSA). This means that sexually intact cattle that spend time in the DSA at any time of the year will be required to be identified with any of the following types of tag. Approved identification will include the green “WYOMING” tag, orange Brucellosis vaccination tag, silver brite USDA tag, USDA yellow RFID tag, USDA 840 tags, and other identification approved by the Wyoming State Veterinarian.
Approval of tags other than those specifically listed will be on a case by case basis and will be dependent on the ability to trace back to herd of origin in case of a disease outbreak. The Wyoming Verified program tags from the Wyoming Business Council are acceptable identification. Other Age and Source Verification program identification may also be approved, but producers should check with the Wyoming Livestock Board to verify before moving cattle into or out of the DSA. “With the new requirement of animal ID for any sexually intact cattle leaving the DSA and entering Nebraska and Colorado, cattle that are age and source verified through AgInfoLink and the Wyoming Business Council’s Wyoming Verified program meets this requirement with the program’s RFID tag,” says John Henn the Livestock & Meat Marketing Program Manager for the Wyoming Business Council. “There will be no need for enrolled producers to put another tag in the animal’s ear on their certified cattle,” says Henn. Dr. Logan has verified this with the Nebraska and Colorado state veterinarians specific to the Wyoming Verified Program.
Source: Wyoming Livestock Board
Posted by Haylie Shipp