Little Big Horn FFA Investing in its Members


Recently, the Little Big Horn FFA chapter at Lodge Grass High School received a $50,000 dollar grant from the Agricultural Development Council  from the Growth Through Agriculture program.  The chapter is planning to use these funds and other loan opportunities as part of a “hands on” learning experience in beef production.   


With the average age of a Montana farmer approaching 60 years old, the Agricultural Development Council saw an opportunity to engage more youth in agriculture after hearing a presentation by the Little Big Horn FFA. “They really blew our socks off with the quality of their application and presentation,” explained Council Chair Amy Kellogg.


The Little Big Horn FFA will be putting $50,000 in GTA grant funding towards materials to develop a cattle scholarship program for the Lodge Grass High School FFA Chapter.  Advisor Ty Neal’s chapter has 158 active students in the program and will purchase a portable silencer chute, fencing material, a portable corral system, and electronic ear tag reader and ear tags.


As Neal and the FFA students explained in their application and presentation, this project will engage freshmen and sophomores by allowing them to purchase cattle, breed them, sell steer calves, keep heifer calves, and collect the proceeds in the form of a college scholarship after graduation. They hope to attract students who typically don’t have the opportunity to participate in agriculture in addition to existing members of FFA.


According to the Little Big Horn FFA Advisor, Ty Neal, “The biggest reason I did this, is because the biggest excuse I hear for not going to college is that kids don't have any money. So we got this grant to buy cattle handling equipment, so students can learn to raise cattle safely. They will start as freshmen and learn about nutrition and breeding. By the time they are seniors they will have 8-10 head.  All the money raised will go towards their college education.”


The two top green hands freshman will be the first receive cattle through the program


A great example of the impact and influence that ag education and FFA advisors have on youth and helping to build the future of agriculture.  

© Northern Ag Network 2016, Montana Department of Agriculture

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