Following up on Tuesday’s midterm election, Northern Ag Network caught up with leaders from various organizations across the region.
Margaret Nachtigall, Executive Director of the South Dakota Stockgrowers, told us that they are non-partisan and don’t get involved in the election results. She added that they’ve been very pleased with the ability of the current administration to listen to folks on the ground.
On a national level, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Steve Foglesong stated that he is hopeful the newly elected members of Congress will restore some much needed balance and commonsense to Congress. He added that at the end of the day, we must not lose sight on the fact that the 111th Congress isn’t over yet and that death tax reform needs to happen.
With a large number of new members of Congress, Roger Johnson of the National Farmers Union says his group is focused on education and ensuring that the newly elected members of Congress understand the significance of the issues that rural Americans face.
Bob Stallman, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation stated that, “Tuesday’s mid-term elections brought a lot of change to Capitol Hill and Washington. The American Farm Bureau Federation looks forward to working with new and returning members of Congress on issues that are vital to the nation’s farmers and ranchers.”
© Northern Ag Network 2010
Haylie Shipp