Congratulations to Glen Roen on his retirement from Elanco Animal Health after serving cattlemen and veterinarians in Montana for over 35 years.
· Glen's career in Animal Health started in March of 1981 as a District Rep for Parker Livestock Supply
· In 1987 he went to work for Bayer Animal Health for 13 years.
· Then Glen was with Novartis Animal Health, which eventually was acquired by Elanco.
Over his 35-year career, Glen Roen's sales territory has changed several times, and has included the states of Montana, and Wyoming, and the Western Dakotas….but always serving the livestock families of Northern Ag Network country.
Glen and Marilyn have a small cow herd of their own near Worden, Montana, and he says he plans to focus on them a little more, and maybe do a little more traveling…just for FUN this time! (Well, he’s a guy that certainly does know the roads around these parts, that’s for sure!)
We at Northern Ag Network all wish him well and congratulate Glen for his retirement, and his years of service for Elanco and the livestock industry.
Courtesy photo provided by Sarah Swenson
© Northern Ag Network 2016