Montana Bison Association Winter Conference and Workshop Slated for January


Montana Bison Association Winter Conference and Workshop Slated for January 6 & 7 for Holiday Inn, Great Falls, Montana.  You don’t have to own bison to attend, matter of fact everyone is welcome to register.  Montana Bison Association (MBA) feels that this would be a great time for bison producers, cattle producers, red meat consumers and the simply curious to find out more about bison and about the people in Montana who raise them.  

Aaron Paulson current president of the MBA states, “With record high bison prices it a great time to spread the word. Our friends in the beef business may be looking for some diversity as the current beef market is struggling and bison meat marketers are begging for product. We expect the bison meat demand to increase for the next few years.  So, invite your neighbors to come and talk bison at the MBA Winter Conference.  We’d love to have you come.”

The MBA also hopes to build better relationships with the beef and lamb industries.  All livestock producers have many common issues with regulations and maintaining a friendly regulatory environment.  It is important that all red meat producers work together for the sustainability of the red meat industry.

Julia Arnold, secretary of MBA states, “I would love for more people to come to the workshops and conference.  I fear there is a misconception out there of what we are all about, and it would be great to have people come and really learn about our industry and the similarities between us and beef production.  We just have bigger animals with a different behavior but in the end, we are all about providing nutritious protein for people to enjoy.”

Montana Bison Association’s main mission is to promote bison products, namely breeding stock, meat and by-products. They also advocate for fair and equitable regulations in the control of disease and the movement of domestic bison and bison products. In addition, they promote public education on bison both as livestock and as a native animal of North America.

Friday, January 6th, American Bison Association will present a workshop on “The Bison Advantage.” They will cover such factors as little need for shelters, feed efficiency, long production life, independent calving, low fat high protein meat with a high demand in the market place.  The afternoon will have a panel discussion where questions on grazing, beneficial impacts on land, benefits to communities can be discussed.  The cost for Friday’s workshop is $30.

Friday evening kicks off with a meet and greet and presentation on Best Management Practices for Raising Bison Commercially.  Saturday will continue on this topic, business meeting and more. Registration for Friday night and Saturday with all meals included is $95 with Pre-registration by December 28th and at the door registration will be $120.

For more information and to register online CLICK HERE or contact Julia Arnold 406-627-2436  or  to reserve your place.



Source:  Montana Bison Association


Aaron Paulson trailing bison to summer pasture in the Ruby River Valley South of Alder, MT.  Paulson will be presenting a Bison Handling workshop at the January 6 & 7 at the MBA Winter Conference and Workshop, using many of the photos and videos he has taken while working bison in the corral or pasture. Paulson teaches from real life experience of working with bison.


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