Event Description:
The Montana Department of Agriculture and the Montana Cherry Advisory Committee invite you to attend a day full of activites in CELEBRATION of the Montana cherry industry. The symposium will be on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at the Kwa Tuq Nuk Resort in Polson, Montana. The day starts with registration at 8:00 am. You will enjoy the day interacting with fellow growers and knowledgeable professionals involved in the cherry industry from Montana, Oregon, Washington and Canada. Topics will include: Winter injury, forced dormancy, nutrients, soils, pruning, pre-harvest irrigation, and horticulture .
There will be a Cherry Cook off during the day and an award presentation at the close of the day. Booths of interest will also be available. Montana Cherry Advisory Committee will be hosting a Cherry Cook-Off. The purpose of this Cook-Off is to discover new and delicious ways to promote Montana cherries in a variety of dishes.
If you are interested in entering the Cherry Cook-Off, registration forms can be found online at www.agr.mt.gov/agr/producer/checkoff/cherries Recipes should be original, creative, and easy to prepare.
All submissions should be sent to the Montana Department of Agriculture by Friday July 15, 2016. After the deadline, entries will be screened and eight will be chosen to participate in the live Cook-Off on September 14. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three chefs, as well as one people’s choice award winner.
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