Helena, Mont. – Montana corn growers have rejected a proposal by the Corn Advisory Committee to develop a research and market development program through a corn checkoff.
The department, at the request of the committee, mailed a referendum to affected growers and producers asking for their vote on the checkoff. Voting closed on June 15 with 152 growers responding, 130 voting against, and 22 voting for the checkoff.
The checkoff proposal would have created an assessment fee on corn seed purchases to support a corn research and development program under the direction of the advisory committee.
“We asked corn growers if they would like to have a research and marketing program that is focused on Montana; they did not,” said Kim Nile, advisory committee chair and corn producer.
With the adverse vote, the Corn Advisory Committee is dissolved in accordance with Montana Statute. Corn producers may revive the committee in the future by submitting a verified petition from at least 25 producers.
“The department will still work to advance Montana’s corn market and research when resources and opportunities exist,” explained Director Ron de Yong.
The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit agr.mt.gov.
Source: Montana Department of Agriculture