Montana Department of Agriculture hires Food Safety Coordinator



Helena, Mont. – The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) has hired Betsy Miller as its new food safety coordinator. Miller will be assisting Montana producers in complying with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The position is funded by a grant from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


“We are very excited to have Betsy on board to help folks across the state with FSMA,” said MDA Director, Ron de Yong. “Betsy will be a great resource for producers and her experience will serve her well in the new position.”


Miller was formerly the grants coordinator with the Governor’s Office of Community Service. In her new role, Miller will be working with various partners throughout Montana to ensure that producers have the training and information they need to comply with FSMA. This proactive approach will include food safety trainings, information sharing, collaboration with producers, and offering technical assistance.


“I’m looking forward to getting out and working directly with producers to help them learn more about FSMA,” said Miller. “Our goal is to ensure produce is safe and held to a high standard.”


The intent of FSMA is to decrease foodborne illness outbreaks by focusing on preventing contamination before it occurs. Those interested in learning more about MDA’s food safety efforts can visit


The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

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