The Montana Farm Bureau Federation celebrated their centennial convention this week in Billings. Members from all over the state attended to take in the event and continue the work of the grass-roots organization that has represented farmers and ranchers for a century.
Hans McPherson, a diversified farmer from Stevensville, was re-elected as president of the statewide agriculture organization and Northern Ag Network’s Leif Bakken caught up with him during the convention to talk about the work the Farm Bureau does on behalf of farmers and ranchers.
Montana Farm Bureau members also re-elected Cyndi Johnson, a Conrad small grains farmer, to serve again as vice president. Newly elected to the board were: Kris Descheemaeker, District 3, a rancher from Lewistown; Joy DePuydt, District 7, a rancher from Saco; and Ed Bandel, District 8, a wheat farmer from Floweree. Re-elected to the MFBF Board of Directors were Craig Blevins, District I, a cattle rancher from Ronan; District 5, Gary Heibertshausen, a sheep rancher from Alzada, and Scott Stoner, District 9, a horse rancher from Helena.
Carla Lawrence from Boyd was newly elected as the MFBF Women’s Leadership Committee Chair. Gil Gasper from Circle was re-elected as the MFBF Young Farmer and Rancher Chair.