BILLINGS, MONTANA – The Montana Beef Council is launching a new campaign to focus on the merits of their favorite protein, beef, focusing on the simplicity of one ingredient with multiple benefits. Three billboard locations were selected throughout the state to carry a simple message, “Nicely done, beef. You’ve proven that meat substitutes are just that. Substitutes.”
The billboards will appear over the next six months near Miles City, Three Forks and Missoula and are funded through consented beef checkoff dollars provided by Montana ranchers that have signed their annual consent form to allow half of their checkoff dollar to return to the Montana Beef Council for investment in projects by the local board.
“To help consumers better understand the advantages beef has when compared with imitation plant-based proteins, as well as correct misinformation about beef production, the MBC board is working to make sure that beef is the number one protein choice for consumers, said Travis Choat, MBC board member and cattle feeder from Terry.
“It is important to our board to make a statement and stand up for Montana’s cattle ranchers.”
The campaign aims to inform consumers about the simplicity and wholesomeness of beef in a time when there are a number of other protein options available. The beef checkoff’s flagship website, BeefIt’ remains a vital resource for today’s consumers to share a wealth of information ranging from cooking tips to cuts of beef and understanding the beef lifecycle to beef’s nutritional profile.
Montana Beef Council’s new fiscal year began Oct. 1 and a limited variety of projects and programs will be funded with consented beef checkoff dollars that the council has had returned from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. The Montana Beef Council budgeted $19,575 for in-state beef education programs, $48,380 for in-state beef promotion activities, $113,260 for producer communication efforts, $38,000 for national consumer beef marketing and $35,000 for international beef marketing.
Checkoff collection remains mandatory despite the ongoing R-CALF USA versus USDA lawsuit; however the above programs will only be carried out by Montana Beef Council after Montana producers complete and return the Producer Consent to Fund Montana Beef Council Form. The form can be obtained at or by calling the Montana Beef Council at (406) 656-3336.
Montana Beef Council