HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Department of Agriculture has published a proposed corn checkoff referendum that would help create a research and market development program for corn production in Montana.
Under the proposed checkoff, producers pay an assessment on corn seed purchases to support the program. The Corn Advisory Committee directs the use of the assessments with administrative help from the Montana Department of Agriculture. The proposed assessment would equal $3 per 80,000 seeds, the common seed count for commercial corn seed bags.
Similar programs have been established by Montana pulse, cherry and potato producers.
The state’s six-member Corn Advisory Committee identified the difficulties in getting neutral third-party analysis on the production characteristics of commercial corn hybrids when grown in Montana.
After receiving input from growers, producers and purchasers, the committee voted at its March meeting to hold a referendum of affected growers and producers on whether an appropriate checkoff should be created.
Copies of the proposed referendum have been mailed to corn producers identified from lists made available to the department by the Farm Service Agency. Eligible producers who do not receive a copy of the referendum in the mail can print a copy from department’s website.
Eligible voters should return the completed corn check-off referendum no later than June 15 to the Montana Department of Agriculture, C/O Marty Earnheart, PO Box 200201, Helena, MT 59620, by fax at (406) 444-5409; or by e-mail to mearnheart@mt.gov.
Source: Montana Department of Agriculture