The meeting will focus on state efforts to implement Executive Order 12-2015 and the Montana Greater Sage Grouse Stewardship Act. Federal agencies will also give updates. MSGOT will also discuss a proposed rule to provide competitive grant funding and establish free-market mechanisms to maintain, enhance, and benefit sage grouse habitat.
DNRC Central Land Office – Conference Room
8001 N. Montana Ave. Helena MT 59602 (406) 458-3500
NOTE: Agenda item times are approximate. Actual times may vary by up to one hour.
1:00: Call to Order and Introductions
Tim Baker
1:05: Administrative Matters
Approve minutes of September 18, 2015 meeting
1:10: Update on Implementation of Executive Order No. 12-2015
Reports from Individual MSGOT Members
Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program: Carolyn Sime
2:00: Federal Agency Partner Updates
USFWS: Jodi Bush
USFS: Eric Johnston
NRCS: Kyle Tackett
BLM: John Carlson
2:45: Break
3:00: New Business
Draft administrative rule for the Sage Grouse Stewardship Fund Grant Program
Future meeting dates, 2016
4:00: Public Comment