Montana’s Young Ag Leadership Conference is a one-of-a-kind event, packed with everything relevant to being a young[ish] person in today’s exciting, changing world of agriculture. With workshops on marketing, finance issues, cop and livestock programs, emerging technologies, leadership development and more, there is something here for everyone.
Northern Ag's Lane Nordlund had the opportunity to speak with Travis Brown about the upcoming Young Ag Leadership Conference.
YALC is developed by committee with members from Montana’s leading ag organizations. The conference is designed to create a unique experience where you won’t find a better opportunity to network with other young leaders and industry leaders as you gather new insight on improving and promoting agriculture in our state. We hope you choose to be a part of this event, as well as take an active role in Montana’s agriculture…it’s your industry and your way of life.
LODGING – Attendees are responsible for making their own room reservations. Call the Crowne Plaza at (406) 252-7400 by September 18 and request the “YALC” room block for the $95 conference rate.
Source: Young Ag Leaders Conference