April 1 is the official day when cattle moving into Nebraska from the greater Yellowstone area (GYA) need additional identification. Below are the specifics as per the importation order, which was released by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture on Friday.
A. All sexually intact cattle and bison imported into Nebraska (except as noted in B and C below), which originate from a DSA within the GYA, as listed above in numbers 1 through 3, shall:
1. Be individually identified with permanent, official USDA/APHIS approved identification, except that market backtags shall not be considered a form of permanent, individual identification for purposes of this Order; or
2. Be individually identified to state of origin (Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming), so long as such identification:
a. Provides a unique identification number for the animal; and
b. Can be traced back to the herd where the tag was originally applied; and 3. Enter Nebraska with a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) which states, “These cattle and bison originated from within
B. All sexually intact cattle and bison moving direct to slaughter from a DSA shall be individually identified with permanent, official USDA/APHIS approved identification, excluding market backtags. Such cattle and bison do not require a CVI to be imported into Nebraska, but the individual identification for each animal shall:
1. Identify the GYA state of origin; and
2. Allow the animal to be traced to the herd of original tag application.
C. All sexually intact cattle and bison, except those moving direct to slaughter, which originate from the states of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, but which do not originate from within one of the DSAs, shall enter Nebraska with a CVI which states, “These cattle and bison do not originate from within the DSA.”
CLICK HERE to read the full importation order.
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